Lest We Forget
Fearless Leader kicks off Veterans' Week
Behold: our Master of Asses is at it again, beating the war drums extra loud in time for Rememberance Day, our designated day to reflect on the sacrifices our fighting forefathers made to preserve the freedoms we enjoy, for instance, cheeseburgers, cable television, energy-guzzling technology and the ability to take a giant shit on the rest of the world, not to mention each other.
Allow me to demonstrate what "Lest We Forget" means to me:

Whether or not you feel the cause is just, no person with the slightest shred of compassion should be cheerleading war. While politicians and generals talk of "winning", people continue to die. While politicians and generals scratch their heads on whether to "cut and run" or "stay the course", people continue to die. While our Fearless Leader marches weary veterans out to a cenotaph to act as wallpaper for his token war speech, then tosses them back in the closet for another year of neglect, people continue to die.
I wear a poppy not in support of war, but in support of the veterans who put up with the shit they didn't start. I feel the proper way to pay homage to our veterans and their fallen comrades is to strive to bring about the end of war. No living creature should be subjected to the horrors our forefathers faced and the horrors our brothers and sisters overseas face each and every day today.
While you're being ordered to bow your head like a good citizen for your obligatory moment of silence, at school or work or wherever you may be, try to estimate how many people will die during that time as a result of war.
In the true spirit of Remembrance Day, I ask everyone to please distribute this essay widely.
Lest we forget.
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