05 April 2008

Saturday Night Solitude

Realizing I'm too old for the excess of the Saturday evening social ritual, I sit here in silence with mixed feelings: yes, it's pretty lonely in this big, empty bungalow, but also refreshing to be afforded some quiet.

Some thoughts I had scratched into my notebook that I thought I would share:

1. I could tell you that I feel lost, that I do not belong in this world, but that would not be entirely true, for I belong in someone's world, and I can create a world around me in which I am not lost, a world with which I am one.

2. For those who believe God doesn't answer their prayers, let it be said that the answer was always present, but their constant asking for help from some external force prevented them from perceiving it. You see, God is all around us, even within us, so yes, it may be said that God wasn't listening, only because we weren't listening.

Sometimes, we try so hard, all of us, to be heard, we neglect to stop and listen.


At 6/4/08 04:31, Blogger Deb said...

I could relate to this.

Very well said.

At 6/4/08 18:53, Blogger G. said...

Thank you. I'm pleased to learn this post struck a chord with you.


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