11 September 2008

Seven years later...

How many millions of theirs are worth three thousand of ours?
Why commemorate this day when it is every day over there?
And every day in our backyard, in the dark corners we choose not to see?

And where is this Emmanuel Goldstein?
Haven't we cornered him in a cave?
How did we ever let him escape?

The flames may have abated,
but the smoke screen remains.
No amount of bullets or bombs
or ballots
will make this dark cloud disappear;
only that which resides
in our hearts.

If you are looking for something long-winded,
read my post from last year,
and the year before,
and the year before.
We can only revisit this day so many times.
Let's ensure it never happens again
by anyone's hand.

"His judgment cometh, and that right soon..."


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