Nosce Te Ipsum
I'm sure I've touched upon this topic over and over, but what the hell? I feel like writing, so I'll write again about my favourite topic: us.
I used to feel dreadfully alone in the world. I could be in a sea of people and feel no connection to them. I would sit and commiserate and lament my not being able to relate to anyone. I hear friends describe the abyss in which they find themselves, seemingly unable to escape.
I also see the incessant need for many of us to distance ourselves from societal affairs. Most of us feel that, because we are not directly involved in, say, one person's poverty or injustice, that the problem is not ours. I also see the tendency for many of us to point fingers at others, to divert the attention away from ourselves, and blame them for their plight.
I had a conversation with my mother about how certain people think too highly of themselves. She claimed these people love themselves too much, while I argued to the contrary, claiming they adopt this persona as a means of defending themselves against their own self-loathing; in other words, they fear being inferior to the group, so they act as superior (I believe Alfred Adler theorized this).
What does all this mean? Is this simply another of a long series of my crazy bantering? Are you wondering when I will finally begin to make sense? Perhaps even I don't know what I'm saying most of the time.
I suppose the point I'm hoping to make is: Why must we feel so alone?
For whatever reason, we seem to focus on how different we are from one another. We have trouble relating to others because they don't know how we feel, but is this true? We cast stones at each other because we feel we have the answers and they don't, but is this true? We blame others for their problems while washing our own hands clean, but is this true? We label others as burdensome to us, but who is the true source of the burden?
We see people as "us" and "them", but is this true? Who are "us" and "them"? Do "they" not also think and feel? Do "they" not also interact with the universe and form beliefs about it? Do "they" not also fear and doubt and worry? Do "they" not also love? Do "they" not also desire to live?
There was an open question posed asking what the solution is to all society's ills. Many shared their opinions on the matter, and some subsequently attacked the opinions of others. I wonder if any of these people know where the solution actually lies. I've had this discussion plenty of times with people from some political stripe or another claiming theirs is the answer, and I wonder if they really know. When I see these debates, I'm always left wondering if anyone wants to identify the problem, or spend their energy clinging to their solution.
Here I go, pointing fingers at everyone again. I cannot profess to knowing what the solution is, either, for I have come to my own conclusions that may or may not be accurate. Perhaps I can suggest a starting point, though I'll leave it to you to take what you will from it.
I wonder how many of us know ourselves - I mean really know ourselves - enough to know where the solution lies. I wonder how many of us actually look at ourselves; I wonder how many of us desire to do so. We seem to want to focus the spotlight outward, on "them", yet are afraid to look critically at "us".
I believe there is an old proverb that say for every time I point my finger at someone, a thousand are pointing at me. Right now, your fingers are probably pointed in my direction, and you may be passing judgment on me based on what I write here, as I'm sure I've done to you along the way. Perhaps each time I put myself out here, I call upon your assistance in seeing myself, should I choose to accept what I see.
My feeling is, these problems are allowed to perpetuate because we are afraid of ourselves. We distance ourselves from them because we cannot bear the thought of our being connected to them, which in turn exacerbates our being part of the problem. We deny ourselves each day, when we idolize this person and denigrate that person and distance ourselves from those people. We are all such beautiful people capable of so much; our potential is limitless, yet we incessantly erect barriers around ourselves.
The burden does not lie within anyone else; we create the burden ourselves. I can decry the use of my tax dollars being "wasted on losers", but all I am doing is burdening myself with my own insecurity. Similarly, by denigrating others, are they burdening me by disagreeing with me, or by being "stupid", or am I placing the burden on myself by resorting to bickering and name-calling? Do I see this in myself while engrossed in the act?
In the grand scheme of things, we are akin to water molecules in an ocean; I may be this molecule and you may be that molecule, but together, we comprise the vast ocean, and not one of us is any more or less important than any other. If I could give advice - moreso to myself than anyone else - it would be this: don't let your being this particular molecule detract your vision from the ocean.
Nosce te ipsum: know thyself!
George -
This blog was very difficult for me to read.
Brought me to tears even.
I wrote about this subject in a less extensive manner in my own blog today (as you know). I agree with you fully - we are afraid of ourselves. I don't know why, it's such a stupid thing to be afraid of.
This paragraph:
"For whatever reason, we seem to focus on how different we are from one another. We have trouble relating to others because they don't know how we feel, but is this true? We cast stones at each other because we feel we have the answers and they don't, but is this true? We blame others for their problems while washing our own hands clean, but is this true? We label others as burdensome to us, but who is the true source of the burden?"
Really hit the spot for me as I accused someone I love deeply of doing all these things. Sometimes it's so easy to be irrational that you don't even realize who or what you are hurting or what the consequences of your words will be.
I wish I knew myself better but I think that's an ongoing life-long process.
Thank you so much for sharing. It is very courageous of you.
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Firstly, I applaud you taking the initiative to attempt to organize your individual identification of the problem. It is only in the conveyance of thought through interaction that we can ever hope to set both ourselves and them free. (after you read this, you might understand why I apologize for that last sentence, although it is the only way I have found to initiate my thought process to others… unfortunately language limits the human mind by being most unqualified and inaccurate, yet the most qualified way that exists to attempt accurate conveyance of thought) Please excuse my grammar errors as well as my sentence structure. I was in somewhat of a hurry.. I hope it doesn’t cause my ideas to be viewed by you as less valid.
Identification of the problem is easy. In fact, I feel as though everyone does it at some point or another. A sense of what seems to be imperfection poses the problem. Individuals convey their ideas in very different ways, none of which is correct or incorrect. You clearly consciously (of which everyone consciously or unconsciously does) understand this by asking the question: "Who are "us" and "them"?" It’s difficult for me to determine whether or not you used this question to identify the problem due to this particular format’s ability to be recognized by others in a state of imperfection, or if you yourself are accurately conveying your thought on the problem. So allow me to attempt to convey my perception of the origination of this problem. Please note that this may be difficult for both me to convey and anyone to understand. It is of the utmost importance that you view this from the most objective point of view that you are possibly capable of before allowing subjective tendencies to influence your thought process on it. It is important that you use both objectivity and subjectivity, in that order.
So here it goes…
From the moment we open our eyes to the world, we are exposed to the habits of those around us. We are named almost initially, and classified. We hear and see language and begin imitation. Imitation is instinctively rewarded by our mothers and fathers as it was instinctively rewarded to them. Our perception of reality induced by our environment of exposure is classically conditioned into acceptance. You are given a name initially in order to facilitate your identification as a person with something that is able to be related to the lives of those around you. Letters... This is usually the first formal exposure that a human being has to the problem. My parents immediately had to associate me as a person (the new and unknown) with something they already had been exposed to, that being letters (the old and known), in order to define me. Notice they did not identify me more and more as time continued by my individually unique interaction with my surroundings, but with the definite and set four letters. Kyle. My name was my first injustice. I was related to something without so much as a chance to convey my individual personality. I was an unknown, and instinctively, without a second thought, was defined by individuals already in existence. My definition had no basis… as I slowly recognized that my name was Kyle, I did not see a problem with the idea.. after all.. How would I talk to anyone about anybody if names didn’t exist? What I didn’t realize when I was younger is that it was the first generalization that had been held against me. However individual that that something such as a name may seem (due to the large amount of names in existence), it was the first exposure to a social acceptance of a concept that generalizations such as racism, sexism, or classism arise from.
So you see, we are brought up with the idea that definition is the path that leads to increased understanding and eventually, a better understanding of our existence. (unfortunately an existence that is classically conditioned to only surly exist in the materialistic field… yet I surely have a tendency to feel and perceive things outside of material existence) And the very first definition… our name. Regardless of what we are, we are defined. There is not a person on earth who has even an inkling of an idea of who or what you represent or mean at the time of your birth, yet you are defined. Your existence is begun in this world with the mark of the problem. You are told, without the use of words, “regardless of what this is, it is this.” There is not a person on this earth that can understand exactly how I grew up, where I lived, what I did on my fifth birthday, the first time I experienced alcohol, or how I see this screen at this instant, the way that I understand it; nor may I be able to understand the same of those around me. Instead of being perceived more and more complexly as my existence continues to unveil, I am demoted and limited to a generalization. Letters. Kyle. So when people whom do not know me want to identify me, they initially and instinctively expect to be presented with my name, instead of who I am complexly…who I am truthfully.
The Effect:
Mexicans……………………………… Take a moment to stop. What went through your mind? Probably your history of experience with that particular classification of people… or even worse yet, what other people have told you that experience is. If something like that went through your head, don’t be ashamed in any way. After all… I would be willing to bet you yourself didn’t define shame for yourself anyway. Someone taught you to be shameful.
Our existence is not absolute, in that the idea that various things make up the universe as well as ourselves, therefore classification and definition is not absolute. We are programmed from the beginning that our jobs are to define, and move on to the next object to be defined… so that progression may be made. (it has often been identified as human nature to attempt to ascertain the meaning of life individually through our perception of the world around us) but the problem is that in order to have absolute definition, that which is being defined must be the perceiver of the definition. Therefore, absolute definition (absolute meaning) resides in existence as a whole. I’m sorry to be the one to inform you through the use of the things that have been used your entire existence to confuse you (words), that you in your current state, as an individual, will never attain absolute meaning…. I wish you knew me better, and I knew you better. Do not be despaired by this… as an initial feeling of disparity is what you have been conditioned to perceive as an inability to finally and absolutely define and ascertain an understanding of meaning… because definition has unjustly and inaccurately been linked to your relevance as an individual………… Instead, open your mind as much as you are possibly able and realize that you as an individual are just as meaningful simply existing, as absolute meaning itself… with the understanding that without you existing and perceiving and interpreting exactly as have been, are, and will,… absolute meaning does not exist… Nether does my absolute meaning… the bum down my street… his meaning, her meaning,…. Our meaning. Without you absolute meaning does not exist. Therefore each person… as individuals are equally infinitely significant. So if you do not understand something now, do not be afraid.
In the event that my explanation as a whole just caused any motivation you had (before you read this) to pursue that which would better yourself as a human being to seem irrelevant… then I advise you to remember to reexamine what you understand to be relevant, and why its relevant. You have been taught to exist with the purpose to satisfy that which has been defined as human nature. But handed down ideas of “human nature” (like my name, Kyle) classified and defined something that was impossible to know anything about. You strive to find the answer to the problem… when in actuality, there only exists a problem when we create it. (after all, we are absolute.. we can create anything) We create the problem for ourselves. Classification… is the limitation of the human mind.. the overlooking of the complexity.. the missing peace in our souls that we constantly try to fill. Why we feel empty… We only use a small percentage of our brains.. Perhaps we hold ourselves back without knowing it. Just imagine (regardless of how ever limited by conditioning that your imagination may be), a world where we were free. Imagine a world where we removed the chains that have been placed upon us by ourselves and previous generations. Imagine what we could do. I see the true problem…it’s the chains around my wrists, neck, and ankles that secure me tightly to the ground. I’ve felt them my entire life and now I see them, finally at 19 years old. Perhaps I’ll have enough time to devise a way to release myself from them. Perhaps I’ll have enough time to release others. I hope I can free the unknowing slaves. My mind grows ever faster now.. and with it I feel obligation.
I only hope you see the chains that we share.. You are told that they don’t exist, but I know you feel them.. They are not a figment of your imagination.
If you recall my apology at the beginning… it was because I identified absolute meaning as separated.. I used the word “they”… and in doing so, further promoted separation by inducing classification. It was the only way I knew how to describe it to you. If you can, attempt to change others without the use of words. Use action. Use who you are. Only use words if you must… for they did not originate from your true understanding… but from the understanding of a false progression. Use yourself. Use me. Help me save them. The chains are more prone to failure if two of us pull.
If you feel apposed to my view please lend me your intellect. It would be appreciated and helpful to know what you genuinely think.
Nosce Te Ipsum
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