Flexing our Muscles

More Prisons? Dumb Idea
from The Tyee
I've been saying this all along, but no one around me seems to listen:
How does throwing people in jail curb crime when more and more perpetrators are allowed to be created?
There's an obvious reason why our government wishes to incarcerate more people, and combatting crime isn't it. People try to brush me off with a cute chuckle when I bring forth the subject of the profitability of prisons. They say, "Oh, it doesn't happen here."
In the Conservative regime's continuing efforts to cozy up to its demigods to the South, you will see more privately-owned-and-operated prisons spring up, and, of course, with private ownership comes the utilization of inmates for cheap labour, meaning when you make a purchase over the telephone, you'll be having a chat with an inmate, and the clothes on your back will have been put together by inmates. It thus follows that, with an increasing demand for dirt-cheap labour, more and more people will have to be locked away, and all the while, they'll continue to whisper sweet nothings into your ear about the need to "get tough on crime".
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