Higher Learning
As an alumnus of the prestigious University of Toronto, I am the lucky recipient of the institution's newsletter. Behold this issue's headline:
Rich White Male appointed as Chancellor
Formerly in control of the flow of Ontario's wealth, Mr. David Peterson has now been granted the task of presiding over the affairs of the University. I suspect the school's selection policy [aside: for fuck's sake, imagine how I talk to people... I spew out half a thought, then hit a wall when the time comes to insert a clause] is a function of the rate of monetary inflow, as is the case with our "democracy".
The rich get to decide how we attain a level of "higher learning".
The rich get to decide how our lives "turn out".
I'm not preaching some "rich white male" conspiracy, far be it from me to do so.
I'm just saying our legislators and business elite seem to always be rich, white males.
It's late, and when I first read your post, I thought you actually meant that the headline read "Rich white male". I thought wow-how cool-they're at least recognizing the power structure and being honest about it.
Oh well.
Our braintrust, regardless of gender or ethnicity, always seems to be groomed in the manner of the White Man: clean cut and dressed for success, suits and ties and shaving foam. Why do we have to dress up for church when God can see us everywhere?
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