The Woman of the Economy

During one of my frequent trips to the message boards, I came across an argument from a man who had grown despondent with women for becoming ever more shallow and materialistic and laid the blame squarely on our Government for assigning so much value to the exterior of a woman. I gathered he wasn't all that aware of how important a role the female shell plays in our economy, so I responded with the following:
The "government-sponsored" image of Woman is that of a thin, made-up entity who possesses a vast amount of wealth. The image of the "career-woman" requires an ample amount of production to sustain an even greater amount of consumption - nature doesn't keep us prim and proper.
We salute women in the workforce and call it "progress" because we never respected the work women have been doing for our families since time immemorial. Our mothers carry us for nine months, then painfully bring us into this world. They feed us and clothe us. They look after us. Almost by sheer instinct, they do whatever they feel necessary to maintain the well-being of their loved ones, and slavery was the gratuity they received. Women have forever been the most dependable of workers, but, since the free market is unable to assign monetary worth to motherhood, they've had to sacrifice their babies in the name of "making it".
If you asked me, women have never had any respect, period.
The photo is almost perfectly indicative of the absurdity of "feminism" as most of us know it: these woman made munitions their beloved men used to kill one another, while, unbeknownst to her, the wealthy elite were becoming wealthier. I suppose that's why she appears to be standing in a field of penises.
I believe that women's work in the home has been undervalued, but I think it's a leap to think that ALL women want to be stay-at-home mothers. Yes, for some women working out of the home is not a choice but a financial necessity. Many others however work because they want to do so, and there's nothing wrong with that. I think both liberals and conservatives get a little arrogant when they think that they know what's best for every woman in the world.
Emilia Liz (
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