15 July 2007

Read this!

I stumbled upon this diatribe on a Toronto message board. You can formulate your own opinion on it. You can probably guess this was written by a man.

All text is original.

Male Rights/Evolution = suppression of the goddess

That's the only way I see this world turning around before a calamity befalls us all. I think women are too much in control of this society -- either directly or concurrently by them sexually selecting men to be sex driven creatures so they can manipulate. Before you vomit out relics like "you're a misogynist" blah blah blah or other ad hominums here's my argument -- I got facts that will strengthen my position during thread development, but I choose the subjective and empirical in my OP because I'm sure most people can relate similar experiences with that gender.

Everywhere you see sin and evil you see a woman right there. On the street corners, in the media, in the clubs, all providing the fuel for the moral degeneracy and turning this world into Sodom and Gomorrah.

Since the 60's this world has progressively turned into a fetid shithole! the only shift I can see was womans liberation and birth control

I think it's in womans inherent nature to only do evil and operate out of sadism. This is why they flourish at human resource type jobs where they can fire a man who has kids and a mortgage to sustain and go suck the bosses dick 5 minutes later and think nothing of it.

This isn't an original thought. Apparently God himself believed it. Judaism gave up Adam and Eve. The Quran says Hell is filled with women. Even Buddah. Satan is regarded by allot of Religions as Gods ex-wife...Da Vinci, Franklin, Plato, Einstein, Nietzsche, and every other man of genius

Opinions? Lets free speech reign


At 3/8/07 15:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I don't even know where to start! Spelling? Facts? Support? His mother must be proud.

At 29/8/07 02:55, Blogger Poker Playa said...

Let's hear a man's perspective on these comments, a man like ... me!

Yes this guy is messed up a tad and has a hatred towards women but I think everyone should understand what the cause is. Sure women have had their rights increased over the past 50 years but this truly has nothing to do with women stepping on a man's territory so to speak. Rather it is the men in the past 50 years that have forgotten what it means to be a man! Men have lost their role models and have nobody to look to other than what they see on TV. What you do see on TV are messages to buy things for women = love (sex) and situations where the woman is the alpha character and the man is the beta character.

Sure those relationships exist but they don't last and it's because ultimately the man doesn't respect himself which causes the woman to lose respect for her man and the relationship falls apart, but because the man does not respect himself he will then blame the woman.

Ultimately this guy probably is not good with women and is not getting laid or in a happy relationship. He probably has a fear of women in appraoching them but it's the woman's job to reject and weed out the weirdos so he probably got rejected a few times or never was man enough to just be honest and say hey, I like you. You get the point but it is all around us!

At 2/9/07 11:47, Blogger G. said...

I'd like to raise a few points:

First, on "what it means to be a man", I'm unclear what this really means. Growing up, I learned from the so-called "men" around me that being a "man" meant belittling the physically weak and/or emotionally fragile, signing up for all the sports teams and treating the women as objects for fucking. Later in life, "what it means to be a man" included raping, pillaging and plundering on a global scale. Personally, perhaps a little maturity and awareness may make us men less eager to dominate women and more likely to respect them, thus altering the definition of "what it means to be a man".

Second, I agree that images broadcast through our mainstream media encourage men to shower women with material gifts as a means to win their affection, but, if you think about that for a moment, the notion of a woman becoming putty in your hands as you hand her a diamond necklace portrays her as mindless and superficial, quick to put out upon receipt of lavish wares.

Your remark on his not respecting himself is worth noting. Perhaps man's hostility towards women is indicative of his lack of respect for himself; after all, without woman, there would be no man.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


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