10 April 2008

The Line Dividing Good and Evil

I have posted the following on a public forum, and am hopeful it will generate responses. As they come, I will repost some of them in the comments section - anonymously, of course. It's a bit crude for my liking, but I didn't want to spend all night sitting here, trying to formulate the perfect piece of prose. - G.

"If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being... During the life of any heart this line keeps changing place; sometimes, it is squeezed one way by exuberant evil and sometimes it shifts to allow enough space for good to flourish. One and the same human being is, at various ages, under various circumstances, a totally different human being. At times he is close to being a devil, at times to sainthood. But his name doesn't change, and to that name we ascribe the whole lot, good and evil." - Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

I have seen God and the Devil in just about every person here, myself included. Perhaps there are certain persons here you may perceive as knowledgeable, or ignorant, or saintly, or just plain scum. I am inclined to believe that, deep down, despite the facades we project, we are all saints, each one of us. There are some of us who hope to change the status quo and thus bring an end to the suffering of the many at the hands of the few, and there are some of us who celebrate the status quo because there is nothing wrong with it. Oftentimes, we lash out at one another in an effort to make ourselves appear the wiser.

I believe even the most self-absorbed, jingoistic individual can one day see the light, and not one of us should rest until we see this day. We are more than Christians, Jews or Muslims; Canadians, Americans, Arabs or Chinese; old and young; women and men: we are all in this together, and it's high time we started behaving as such. The barriers we build between one another only seek to serve the interests of those who currently rule over us. They want to see us take sides and attack one another. They want to see us live in fear of one another, sister against sister, brother against brother, and will go to great lengths to perpetuate this. Before directing our anger towards these powers, we must realize they, too, are slaves; slaves to the power they wield, living each day fearing who might snatch it from their hands.

I apologize if I sound grandiose - this isn't meant as a sermon from atop my soapbox. I write this because, every time I peruse this forum, I see the same shit over and over: lines being drawn in the sand, insults hurled to and fro, and so on. I believe we are all better than this. Sure, we will have our differences - after all, we each view the world differently, and, as such, will come into conflict now and then - but our attempts to defeat our opponents do nothing to resolve these differences; they merely demonstrate which one of us is more capable of brutality. What do these fights of ours do, except spawn more fighting? What has war done for us, except beget more war?

I await any and all flaming. Feel free to attack my position, even my person, though any attempt at the latter will only serve to reinforce the former.

Your thoughts?


At 11/4/08 16:31, Blogger G. said...

Some responses, as they were posted (I will share more as they come):


We all see the world throguha narrow scope of perception. instead of developing our perception to include a larger range, we habitually change those unseen things by our perception.. it is hard to think and to read and to spend ALOT of time learning about things.. people would rather have someone else do their thinking for them and just follwo around the authority. When this happens people become irrational..

The world today is so full of distraction. people fidn it so hard to see life for what it is.. without cars and money and society. just life as an experience is easy, and fun, and GOOD. people need to be challenged for what they believe, it promotes honest thought in beliefs rather than just picking them for convinience.

Now woudl you feel better about buying a brand new car or spending 5k on an used car and teh rest of that money to be given to someone YOU KNOW who suffers froma lack of money?

people wil honestly believe they NEED a brand new car or DESERVE a brand new car, but this is just a lie. we need to help other people as we want other peole to help us. We need to be those people who we would want to meet. Not those people we hate. If you are somethig you hate and you dont see it you will go crazy wondering why you blame others so much for all your problems.

We arent all saints, because saints have uderstanding.. they dont jsut do good things because they are labled good. they do good because good is the only answer. Being a saint requires first a desire to know the truth and then by defult a desire to be good.


i agree, but why put so much thought to what really is simplicity at it's finest....stop all thoughts and emotions and u shall see who u really are. Society n ur experiences shape u and because of this uv build a persona based on thoughts and emotions. The less u think the less u feel...the better. Everything becomes still and u start to see a different form of preception.....even good feelings and thoughts are traps that lead to a jinx. We must rid ourselves of pride, for the ego and mind is our greatest enemy right now....until u learn how to control ur thoughts and feelings u will continue to run in circles and thats exactly what ppl are doing. They seem to have the "answers" and "information" but not the knowledge to apply what they have learned. Ppl are constantly battling...... a constant battle with themselves.....no one else.


plain and simple

some people leave their tree planted right on the demarcation line between good and evil......


because they dont make it a policy to be good and they dont make it a policy to be evil.

Those who make it a policy refine themselves into more mature beings

given this day and age were,. its a rare thing indeed


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