30 August 2006

Trickle down...

I had a thought in my head, but couldn't seem to put words to it, so out popped this:

"Marijuana is a gateway, alright... a gateway to fun!"

Ahem. That's better.

As I was saying, it pleases me very little when I hear talk of "surplus" and "paying down the debt" from our noble elected officials. Wonderful. You've been spending our tax dollars on the private sector, and now you're using our tax dollars to pay off your debt to the private sector...

Actually, much like a credit card, where the bank pays for your purchases and you owe the bank, the private sector is still getting His, thus the tax dollars go to the bank, but I digress...

The wealth supposedly trickling its way down gets sucked right back up, with the government acting as chief money-launderer. I hear righties talk of there not being enough Iraqi oil to cover the cost, thus nullifying oil as a motivating element, and all I can think is, "Of course not. The public is paying for this war and the private sector is reaping the benefits."

So there you have it... the economy at work.

Good night, my few, frightened friends.


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