04 September 2006

Tidbits from the world beyond our immediate field of vision...

While you're enjoying your Labour Day holiday - be it sleeping in late, taking care of affairs around the house, enjoying the backyard barbecue, preparing the kiddies to be sent off to school tomorrow - here are but a few things happening in the world:

Chinese government harvesting human organs from Falun Gong practicioners (read more here)

Canadian forces, among others, continue to occupy Haiti after usurping democratically-elected Jean-Bertrand Aristide (read more here)

We can report on our forces in Afghanistan, but not in Haiti. We can chastize the Taliban for their human rights violations, but not the governments with whom we do business.

This leaflet I have contains the contact information for our prime minister (small p intentional for obvious reasons), the loveable Stephen Harper, and foreign affairs minister, Peter MacKay, airer of Master Harper's dirty laundry. If you're reading this, please call and harrass and pester all you like until their administrative assistants start pulling their hair out.

Stephen Harper can be reached by telephone at (613) 992-4211, by facsimile at (613) 941-6900 and by electronic mail at pm@pm.gc.ca.

Peter MacKay can be reached by telephone at (613) 992-6022, by facsimile at (613) 992-2337 and by electronic mail at mackay.p@parl.gc.ca.

I doubt this will actually work, but, if we can annoy high-ranking government officials, we've done our part. What's wrong with an employer asking how her/his employees are doing, anyway?


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