Lest We Forget...

On this day in 1989, fourteen women were shot to death at École Polytechnique in Montreal before the gunman ended his own life.
Our partiarchical society, always priding itself on violence as a justifiable means, allowed fourteen women to have their lives cut short by a man alleging to be "anti-feminist", for whatever reason I will likely never know. I'm not here to pass judgement on this individual, but rather to ask why one ever feels the need to dehumanize others by opening fire on them, and why gun control became more important than justice for women, and everyone else, for that matter.
When you pay your homage, think not of these fourteen souls, but also of those who were and are raped and abused in Iraq, in Thailand, in Rwanda, in our own backyard. Think of yourself having your body violated for someone else's gain.
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