Denzel Washington Loves America

Perhaps, by now, you've heard or read about Denzel Washington's donation to help build a new Fisher House at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas - for those who may not know, a "Fisher House" provides accommodation to families of soldiers being treated at the hospital. Perhaps, like me, you learned about this via e-mail me, as my friend, who received it from a friend, was kind enough to pass the news along to me. I must admit, the story warmed my heart, that is, until I arrived at this particular line:
...and Denzel Washington's Patriotism doesn't even make page 3 in the Metro section of any newspaper except the Local newspaper in San Antonio
Oh, what an utter fool I can be sometimes, for here, I thought this to be an act of human decency - one human being looking out for the needs of others less fortunate than he. I figured, had he been in a hospital in Mogadishu or Montevideo or Mosul or Moscow, he might have done the same thing, but no, this was not for his fellow human being: this was for the flag; this was for America.
What, then, of the "patriotism" of the United States government? Surely, in its 600-some-odd-billion-dollar annual budget, there would be room for a new Fisher House at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio; after all, according to Stars & Stripes, it costs only a million. While we're on the subject of wounded soldiers, is it very "patriotic" for said government, with its multi-billion-dollar annual budget, to allow the Walter Reed Medical Center to lapse into a fetid shit hole?
Denzel Washington, it's safe to say you care more about the American people than does your government. I hope you keep that pen handy, for I imagine there will be a growing demand for new Fisher Houses.
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