10 May 2008

You are the light of the world.

I wish to announce a proclamation - yeah, I know; who am I to announce a proclamation? I'm not standing on a mount with stone tablets in either hand - as I was saying, allow me to proclaim the end to the term "stupid". There is no such thing as "stupid". It is all an illusion. If you feel yourself to be stupid, it is because you were conditioned that way. You are wonderful and brilliant and it's high time you start believing it.

I don't know how I can possibly be a scientist; I'm far too opinianted. They have a clever name for feeling: bias. It's fitting, though, that this term rear its head: we're programmed to believe them. It's time we put a stop to this.

A degree from such-and-such university does not make you brilliant: you already were; you didn't need the validation. If only I had known this ten years ago, but I cannot undo what is done. Neither can we. But that's another story. What's important is, we're capable of doing something.

What has school taught us? How to remember material? How to get good grades? How many credits to obtain? How to dress at graduation? How to perform tasks at work? How to fill out an application for school? for the credit card? for your home? When - when! - are we ever taught to think for ourselves? We're always told, told, told what to do. And it has worked beautifully because we're all buying into it. We believe ourselves incapable of anything beyond protocol, and we convince those in our tutelage of the same. Have we lost the faith, or we ever have it?

It pains me greatly to see so many believe in so little, including myself. I see too many people being branded with this horrible moniker, and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of so much negativity, and I hope one day to see us released from its death grip.

You are all wonderful, beautiful people. I mean that. I hope you believe it, too. The solution doesn't lie within some book or degree or job or church: it is within you, and has always been. That was the message all along.

I know it may not sound coherent or complete, for I have not spent much time thinking about the form of my response. Forgive me; my brain tends to be all over the place. Sometimes, though, in these moments, it's important to throw the thoughts out somewhere. Perhaps a revision is in order. Right now, I don't wish to be bogged in syntax.

I'll stop rambling now.

Oh, egocentrism.

You are the light of the world. Remember that.


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