09 September 2006

Church and State

Pope scolds Canada on gay marriage, abortion

The Pope has his knickers in a knot because we Canadians have excluded his "God from the public sphere". I thought God's inclusion within constitutional law is irrelevant, so long as one takes these beliefs to heart. Why does anyone's "God" need to be in our constitution when we are not anyone to judge others? If you want to go on a crusade to save unborn children, please include the plight of the living ones in your thoughts while doing so.

I always get a bit of a chuckle when I hear talk of preserving the traditional family unit, for families are and have been the most dysfunctional groups of people we've ever seen. In the traditional "family", the patriarch exercises dominion over the others - "Father knows best", after all. All too often, his dominion is exercised via his fist, but as long as he has his bible in tow, he's alright in the eyes of the Pope. Not that I've had a violent upbringing, but I personally know people who have, and even if your parents weren't smacking you stupid, they're quite capable of significant psychological damage if they prefer to rule over you than raise you.

If you wish to believe in this man's "God" and his structure of beliefs, by all means, feel free to do so, for one of the great things about living in Canada is the fact that its citizens and guests are free to practice their religious beliefs (so long as they aren't hurting anyone, of course).


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