The Other Side of the Wall

Jimmy Carter says Canada's withholding funds from Palestinians 'criminal'
You can question Jimmy Carter's actions in the past as he ascended the political ladder. You can question Jimmy Carter's rhetoric on the subject matter, or, if you wish, even his character. However, the fact remains that the Palestinian people are getting the short end of our long stick because the Palestinian people elected Hamas to its government. Instead of acknowledging their practicing "democracy", we punish them for choosing a government we don't like. We allowed their civil servants to work without pay because we can't come to grips with seeing "terrorists" voted into office.
I wanted to draw attention to a remark appearing in the article:
Carter's latest book has drawn stern rebukes from current Democratic leaders such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean.
"With all due respect to former president Carter, he does not speak for the Democratic party on Israel," Pelosi said in a statement.
For those of you looking to the recent House-Senate sweep by the Democrats as a sign of hope for the future, with statements like these, forget it, for, as long as both major political parties choose standing shoulder-to-shoulder with their White imperialist comrades who comprise the cabal that is the State of Israel, along with those Christian rulers of Lebanon, over acting as mediator in an attempt to bring calm to both sides, expect the situation to deteriorate further.
As I have said before, the refusal of Hamas and its allies to recognize the State of Israel is interpreted by me as a rejection of White imperialism in the region. Let me make clear that I reject the notion that Israeli citizens rooted in the region should pack up and leave, as that would justify their government's razing of Muslim communities in favour of Jewish settlements. I'm saying the governments of Israel, America and their allies need to get their collective act together if they truly want the bloodshed to cease - and, frankly, I'm not so sure this is in their interests.
Sometimes, it's important to imagine how they feel on the other side of the wall.
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