I have trouble speaking, especially to people I don't know very well. I can never select the proper words to say to anyone, so I tense up thinking about it in advance, and, when the moment of truth arises, I fumble and stutter and end up embarrassing myself, which is an utter shame, because it seems to get anywhere in this world, I have to have an uncanny gift for the gab.
My inability to talk fast has frequently eliminated me from job opportunities, despite what I have to offer otherwise. I needed connections to land my job because I could never get past the interview. Think about it: as bad as I am with anxiety, I have to sit before a complete stranger and think of things to say that will please him, answers I'm expected to give each question. The process is set up for me to fail.
My scholastic life didn't fare much better, for, as a lad, I was conveniently labeled "retarded" by many of my peers due to my social ineptitude. It didn't matter that I was consistently at the top of the class; it meant nothing if I couldn't talk a big game. I even tried playing their sports, liking their music, and partaking in their social gatherings, but to no avail.
In short, I've learned image is everything, and all the while, I had the wrong image, thus I found myself out of favour with the so-called "normals". I ask you this: would you call this "persecution", or am I really just an idiot?
by the way even people in college are cruel. there is this girl in our program and she came from the states with a law degree and she is very smart, but every time she makes a comment in class it takes her a while to get the words out and people stop listening and start talking while she's trying to and i'm sure it makes it very difficult.
but i've noticed with her is that she doesn't let it get to her too much. (at least i think so). she's about 30 now and maybe she has come to terms with the fact that people just won't understand her. she told me she liked me because i was "quicker than most". i guess she meant smart but i think her terminology is funny considering how slow she speaks. :P
cheer up :)
Call me naive, but I can't excuse cruelty, despite our best efforts to rationalize it. I'm sorry.
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