Covenant House and fear-mongering
Covenant House's work is laudatory, as it does wonders for homeless youth. That being said, I'm a bit perturbed by its recent series of advertisments on the TTC:

I apologize for it being so dark; 'twas the best I could do with the equipment I have.
As I was saying, I am perturbed by Covenant House's depiction of street dwellers as monsters waiting to swallow our children whole. Even more unsettling is the depiction of the Black man, who has been assigned a gaze halfway between Mongoloid and Murderer.
Suffice to say, I expected a bit more compassion from Covenant House when raising awareness of the perils of street life; instead, I find dehumanization fit for mainstream media.
If you can't see the photograph and are wondering to what I am referring, next time you are on the subway, keep your eyes open for Covenant House advertising.
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