Five years later...

...and I feel I will be uttering the same lamentation every year. Five years later, and I feel no more safer than I did on this day in 2001, listening to the same tired rhetoric from the same tired politicians.
We should consider ourselves fortunate to be able to lament through lavish ceremonies of solemn rememberance. Many people, like you and me, can't take the time to sit and grieve, as they have to contend with our bombs falling on their communities day after bloody day. While they spend every day trying not to die - and we have the nerve to fear for our lives on this side of the barrier - our elite class gets wealthier and wealthier with every bomb dropped and every oil field seized and will continue to do so as long as "We, the People" buy into the official story.
So today, while you're force-fed your reminders as to why you should fear Muslims and condemn voices of dissent, keep this in mind:
When the truth comes out about how this great tragedy came into fruition, the entire world order will be turned on its ear.
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