Boom Times

The other day, I found this story by the CBC, titled "Wage gap widening despite boom: study". To you and me, this comes as no surprise, as economic "booms" aren't signs that everyone is striking it rich, but rather that money is entering the coffers of the elite at a more rapid rate. The economic engine may be churning faster; it only means you and I have to shovel more and more coal for longer hours each day.
Let me assure all of you, though, that everything is fine. Your hard work slaving away to make the economy go faster is paying dividends. I mean, you have that house (when you finally buy it from the bank) with all that lovely stuff (that you really don't need all that much) and those cars in your driveway (that require heaps of money to insure and fuel before you can put them on the road) and, of course, your loving family (who are trained by the images on the television set to buy, buy, buy).
Silly me! Did I forget to mention the mountain of bills you need to pay to use the phone, watch the television, surf the internet, power your products, heat your home and supply it with contaminated water? Your pocket is wearing thin, my friend. Perhaps you should ask your employer for a raise. I'm sure you've earned it, after all these years, and I'm sure your boss will understand your plight (or replace you with one of the hundreds waiting to work your job for less, and God help you if you happen to get sick after you've been shown the door).
I love the smell of freedom, don't you?
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